I know, I know....it's been a ridiculously long time since I've posted anything on this blog! Even after I promised to be better at it...but what can I say, life's been busy! A quick recap: We (I) delivered a very healthy little girl on August 25
th, 2008. Hayden Elizabeth Jones was born weighing 9 lbs and 8 oz. Very healthy indeed! Benjamin turned two on September 21, 2008. We're now learning how to do life with two little ones. It's a challenge, a joy, and completely frustrating all at the same time! Those kiddos have wonderfully changed our lives. Nathan is finishing up his LAST two classes at DTS!!! Praise the Lord! Our hope is to move back to Missouri once he's finished (Lord willing we sell our house!). That's our life thus far. Here are some new pics to enjoy.