Saturday, February 23, 2008

Baby Jones #2

I'll try and be more diligent about keeping this blog updated with recent pictures and information! Our latest news is that we're expecting again! I'm 14 weeks pregnant and have been nauseated since day one! Although, on a positive note, I'm finally off the nausea medicine!!! This kiddo is due August 22, 2008-we're probably crazy having them this close together...guess we'll wait and see. They will be 23 months apart! I'm thinking we'll find out this baby's gender because I like to plan ahead! While I'm rooting for a girl, we'd be equally happy with a healthy baby boy. Four more weeks and we'll let you know. :)

1 comment:

Tara said...

Congrats you guys! So excited for you!! And no you don't know what your in for having them so close together. Kyle and Lacey are 20 months apart and it has been crazy! Those extra 3 months you'll have will make a lot of difference. (and your house won't be torn apart like ours was) Now after almost 8 months things seem like they are finally calming down a bit. Thank goodness! These first few years maybe crazy but I hope they will always be close friends. We need to get together soon.